
Why Being A Mom Sucks

Ugh! I have a headache. But we must keep moving because for moms, there's no time to be sick. No one warned me about how difficult it is to be a mom. Motherhood wasn't instinctual for me and I was embarrassed to admit it. I'm ready to be honest about motherhood.

My Effed Up Childhood

It's true that our parents can only do their best. My story is not uncommon, especially for the time in which I grew up; the 1970's. People didn't realize the damaging affects of an abusive environment. I'm glad to say that since we know better now, we do better...well some of us anyway. Use my story as a tool for learning what parents should NOT do to their children.

The Teen Years - Sharing My Struggles

This is the story of my teenage years (circa 1983) and how I can't believe I made it out alive. Remarkably though, some good did come out of it as I am more prepared to help my daughter through her teenage years. Join me in a trip down memory lane.