Welcome! I've had so many eye-opening life experiences so I thought I'd share them with you. The menu to the left will take you to the Main Blog Page. Choose the category you'd like to read. Feel free to share your thoughts in the "comments" sections at the bottom of each post. Use the "share" buttons to send posts to your peeps. Let me know if you'd like to share a story as well. Thanks and enjoy!
advice on relationships, Parenting, women's issues, health, dating, and divorce.
I couldn’t let 50 years of knowledge go to waste so I'm offering up all the gems I've learned through books, workshops, and good oL' trial & error.
stay awhile. Comment, Share, and Subscribe
Wow life is messy…am I right? Where's the manual? I have so many life lessons I want to share with you. I write about everything I've learned from my fruitful and failed relationships, parenting my beautifully unique daughter, my divorce and dating again, and how all of these things tossed around in a bowl of love have helped me to live my truth. My hope is that by sharing my messy life experiences I can give some clarity to yours and inspire you to live your truth.
Welcome! Buckle up, keep your hands inside, and enjoy your ride! Whoohoo!
Here's how my blog works. I tell funny (and not so funny) stories about my life and you laugh because you can relate...or cry because you can relate...or scream because you can relate.
My hope is that whatever your reaction may be, you will learn something transformative about yourself, your family, your kids, your relationships, or the other people around you (strangers), and you will gain a fresh perspective. Fingers-crossed, you'll gain a perspective that gets you a wee bit closer to living your truth which, I believe, will bring abundant happiness into your life.
I'm a bit of a junky when it comes to learning from and discussing the dynamics of relationships (I've had some doozies), parenting, child-development, self-improvement, women's issues, divorce, and marriage. I really like to get in there and drill down to the soft gooey center of what makes us all interconnected.
I also share the wisdom I've gained parenting my brilliant and beautiful lesbian teenage daughter Claire. Folks, it pains me to admit it but, she's taught me more in the past 16 years than I ever learned in the previous 30. And now that I'm married to the most incredible man a woman can ask for, I also have the pleasure of sharing his life with his two daughters Jenna and Alicia.
Our blended family
To navigate the site, click on the "hamburger" (three stacked lines) in the upper left corner (lower left on mobile) and you can choose the topics you're interested in reading about and please please please give me your feedback. Good or bad, I can take it - or I'll just delete it if I can't. I'm kidding. Seriously, I love it when people comment! Lay it on me...
Picking a name for my blog was the most difficult part so I grabbed the dictionary to find a word that best described my intentions for my blog. Edify means "to teach in a way that improves the mind and character". I hope my blog can help you improve your mind and character.
I welcome other people to share their inspirational stories on my blog or other bloggers to post relevant articles, so click Guest Bloggers Wanted if you'd like to contribute.
Okay now for the shameless begging of your support... if you enjoy my blog, please consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter and sharing my posts (share buttons to the left - bottom on mobile) with folks you think could benefit, and hey meet me on Facebook and like my page. Thank you! Your kindness is truly appreciated...you're beautiful!
If you'd like to collaborate please email me directly at info@edifymeblog.com.
Recent Blog Posts
Why do women take their husband’s last name? Are you familiar with the word Coverture?
It means:
protective or concealing covering.
the legal status of a married woman, considered to be under her husband's protection and authority.
I never really wanted to change my name when I got married the first time around but I did. From that point forward I didn’t feel like myself. I felt like I was “his”, meaning my then husband.
Cleaning out the basement the other day I came across my old wedding album and a bunch of feelings came with it. I kept it around until my daughter got older in case she wanted to keep some of the pictures.
She doesn't btw so it's en route to a landfill.
I first learned about nasal irrigation 20 years ago when I was battling chronic sinusitis a.k.a sinus infection. My daughter, who was a toddler at the time, was also struggling with sinus infection after sinus infection and I was desperate for relief for both of us!
A friend told me about the Neti Pot and from that point forward, I’ve been able to stave off sinus infections for both of us. I suggest it to EVERYONE as a way to fight allergy season and cold/flu season.
Here are five benefits of a saline nasal wash, such as a neti pot.
Gift-giving is a powerful way to show love and appreciation to our teenagers. It's not about buying expensive items, but rather about showing them that we care about them and want to make them feel special. When we give gifts, we communicate to our teenagers that we were thinking about them, and we took the time to choose something that we thought they would like. Click to read more…
"True greatness is expressed in serving. Acts of service freely given from parents to teenagers are true expressions of emotional love", says Dr. Chapman in his book The Five Love Languages for Teenagers. This post is about how parenting is all about acts of service. How we serve them can have a lasting effect on our kids during their teen years and beyond.
It's so hard to find time with our teenagers being so busy. If they're driving, that's less time spent together. They have friends they want to hang out with now, school activities and possibly a job. We have to plan those moments and really key into them to show them how much we care.
The teenage years are such a struggle for us and them. I see the pressure my daughter is under and I try very hard to understand. Physical touch is one of my love languages but it's not my daughter's, so it's a delicate balance of figuring out what she needs.